by aqp_admin | Feb 14, 2014
For Registered Trainees Only
by aqp_admin | Sep 4, 2013
What a wonderful trip we had to Belize in September! Last year we set up two Aquaponics units near the rain forest. This year we were able to set up the solar system to run the Aquaponics systems and everything was working great before we left! This was our first...
by aqp_admin | Sep 4, 2013
In September 2012 we were able to supply a new generator for the orphanage in Haiti that houses earthquake survivors. It helps an office to operate that meets the needs of 1,500 children a day and provides water for thousands daily. Also the generator protects a room...
by aqp_admin | Apr 30, 2013
SEA CONTAINER ARRIVES IN HAITI! Volunteer, Dennis Buckingham and board member, Bill Elmer, preparing our first farm equipment to be loaded on a 40-foot container to be delivered to the coast and shipped to Haiti this past January. These 10 totes will provide...
by aqp_admin | Mar 20, 2012
(April 2012) Just returned from my trip to Belize. We had a great trip and we were able to put up two aquaponics units 33 miles back in the rainforest. Some people call it the end of the world. We set up shop in Punta Gorda. This is a small city of just over 5,000....